Monday, December 05, 2011


small parts/big parts: the whole of it

Here's the deal:

1. the universe isn't a static thing. it is a moving,changing,growing energy.

2. you always have a choice - to move with the energy, or to fight it.

3. nothing is in isolation unless you choose that view. aka- you are in charge of your mind. It is the source of your manifestation ability.

4. you can pay full price if you want to; but...a deal is waiting to be made, speak up.

5. door mats are for front doors and people who have not discovered their courage.

6. Christ doesn't care about wrapped presents, he wants YOU to be PRESENT.

7. the "new year" happens every second of your life.

8. the queen is making a cut in her salary (Jupiter is retro on her Sun) and so....America's Congress should follow her example, but they won't until 'we the people' demand it.

9. The Lunar Eclipse on Dec 10 2011 @ 6:36 am PST time means- small things in print should be read first before you sign the 60 page document that you think will save you from drowning. Like I said----------- YOU HAVE A CHOICE.

10. The Winter Solstice is 21st of Dec 9:30 pm PST~~ New Moon at 2 degrees Cappy on Christmas eve; truly we are blessed to live in these times of great change, no matter how difficult the growing pains! Get ready to FLY in 2012.

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